Map of the Lake
The Association published a new map of the Lake in 2006. This beautiful 2’ x 3’ colour map, which shows all cottages and roads around the lake, is available to members only. Some of the highlights are:
- shows new municipal road names and civic addresses as well as our old road number system
- shows the line between Low and La Peche
- blow-outs to clearly show high density areas
- inset regional map shows Lake and surronding area
- shows access from Low and Lascelles
- copies have been provided to emergency services and the Municipalities

Each member is entitled to one copy of the map at no charge. Maps can be picked up from a map coordinator at the Lake, at Regatta or Association meetings.
Maps can be posted in a protective map tube for an additional $17.
For information on how to obtain a map or to report any changes for our next printing, please contact