New Membership Enrollment

Becoming a New Member

If you are not yet a Member, we are happy to welcome you to our Association!

We do need a bit more information for our records, including your Cottage address as well as a regular mailing address. We also need to know if you are the Voting member for your property.

By enrolling as a Member you are agreeing to support our Corporate Objectives
Please send your INTERAC payment of $50, $100 or $150 to:
First Name
Last Name
I Want to Enroll for How Many Years?

Lac Bernard Cottage Address
Regular Mailing Address – Street and Number
Regular Mailing Address 2
Province or State
Postal Code or Zip
Are you the Voting Member for your Property?

Message for the Association Board
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The Association does not sell or distribute any of your information, or use it for any other purpose other than contacting you on Association related Matters.