Contact Us

Contacting the Association President and Board of Directors

The Owners’ and Residents’ Association of Lac Bernard
C.P 1262 Succursale C
Gatineau, Quebec J8X 3X7

Contacting Association Executives

To view list of The Executive.

Committees, Volunteering, Questions and Concerns

Our Association is organized around several committees, each helping us lead a key objective. Committees are made up of countless volunteers who play a crucial role in the success and sustainability of our lake association. Volunteers actively engage in activities such as running the Annual Regatta, water quality monitoring, shoreline cleanups, and invasive species control. All of this effort is crucial to preserving the community we have, and upholding our commitment to environmental stewardship. Please help us with the mission by volunteering today. The committee leads can be reached through the contacts below.  Please reach out and find out what you might be able to do!

If you have any questions, or wish to contribute to the website content, please contact the relevant committee member or otherwise use the General Communications contact below. 

For general comments or errors with the website:

Section Coordinator E-mail address
About the Association Jeff Stubbins
Membership Wendy Carr
Environment Kevin Radford
Regatta Linda Radford
General Communications Jeff Stubbins